Seasonal Window Painting

Want this Christmas Minion? This Minion is 3 feet tall & $150 flat rate (approximately 2.5 hours of work)

Temporary, Semi-Temporary or Permanent

Window Paintings can be done in Tempera Paint, Acrylic mixed with 1/3 Dishsoap or with Housepaint

Temporary Paintings are done with Tempera Paint or Acrylic mixed with Dishoap because the dishsoap makes it easy to remove later on. Tempera Paint is slightly transparent & is your cheapest option. Acrylic mixed with Dishsoap (or house paint) is denser & crisper so the light does not shine through it as easily as tempera (the more layers of paint the less light can shine through).

Permanent Window Paintings are done in House Paint.

If it’s 15 degrees or colder, or winter conditions then the paintings will be done indoors on the inside of the glass to be viewed from the outside. Paintings that are done to be the same from both the outside & the inside take longer & cost more. Paintings that are designed to be viewed from the outside only (but look neat & tidy inside) are faster & cost less.

In the Spring & Summer paintings can be done on the outside of the windows if you are doing permanent paintings or semi-permanent (advantages to either method but outdoors you have to account for the cost of paint, which will be the same as mural work).

Seasonal window painting for shops, boutiques, schools, homes and exhibitions.


Prices are by the hour ($75 per hour, 2 hour minimum) or a Flat Rate depending on the project, plus supplies, plus travel (excludes removal).

Large windows will cost $150 up to $500 per window

Small Windows are $150 to $300 per window

(depending on the type of design and level of detail)

Extra Large Windows – To Be Discussed

To get a quote, email the following information:

– Window Measurements in feet

– Subject: Do you want the Grinch Who Stole Christmas or Giant Flowers with Butterflies? The Artist needs to know your concept

– Supplies: Do you want tempera paint or acrylic-dishsoap mix? Tempera paint is economical ($5-$20 for supplies depending on the scale of the project) & is scraped & washed off. Client is responsible for removal of the tempera window painting, but will be provided with cleaning instructions. Acrylic mixed with dishsoap is more expensive but has a polished crisp look that is easily peeled off with a scraper when the time comes to clean it off, this is very suitable when a shop needs the window painting to last longer.

Removal: The Artist is not responsible for removing the painting & cleaning the windows when you no longer want the artwork up. Fastest way to remove it is to use an scraper-knife (razer blade scraper) to quickly remove paint from the window (then clean up the dried up paint with a vacuum or sweep & mop it off the floor & windowsill after), then wash with window cleaner (if there’s any remaining black pen marks, use rubbing alcohol to easily remove).